Become a Leader

Become a Trained Leader

Parents are the lifeblood of our pack. Without them, our program would be limited and our Scouts would be missing out on the fun.

It is very easy to become a Trained Leader in our pack. ALL the required training can be taken online - so you can take the training at your own pace.

Steps to Leadership

  1. Talk to a current leader (Cubmaster, Pack trainer, Committee Chair, Den Leader) about your willingness to help

  2. Discuss which role would best fit your talents and comfort level

  3. Complete Council Specific Training

  4. Complete Pack Specific Training

Council Specific Training (45 Minutes)

    1. Fill out and print the Adult Leader Application at the bottom of this page

    2. Go to and create an account.

    3. Take the following courses at

      1. Youth Protection Training

        1. Print the Youth Protection Traing Certificate (available upon completion of the course)

      2. This is Scouting

      3. Leader Specific (which role you will be performing)

    4. Submit the certificate and the application to the Pack Trainer or Cubmaster

Pack Specific Training (45 minutes)

  1. Click Here to go to the Pack Specific Training

Parent Action Items

  • Volunteer to help with small defined tasks.

  • Ask your Den Leader if they need help.

  • Ask the Cubmaster or Committee Chair about the needs of the Pack.

  • Remain positive and look for ways to improve the program - turn problems into solutions. We are not perfect and we will never will be perfect. So don't expect perfect, expect honest effort.

  • Follow the advice we give the boys... Do your best. If that includes getting trained then you need to get trained.

  • Encourage other parents to help. Work as a team with projects that need attention.