Wolf Den Meeting - Oct 10th
Post date: Sep 15, 2011 12:23:10 PM
The next meeting for our Wolf Den will be 7pm Monday, October 10th at the Church. This will be the first meeting for our new Wolf Cubs. The meeting will be somewhat 'organizational' in nature because we count 17 registered 2nd graders who are signed up and ready to start scouting.
We've talked about having one Den Leader with several Assistant Den Leaders comprised of parents. But that probably won't work because it is hard for 17 families to all agree on meeting on the same day. It's more likely that we will end up with TWO Wolf Dens - meeting on different nights. This would require finding another Den Leader, getting them trained at myscouting.org, and then finding them some parents who are willing to assist with the programming.
You have probably heard the phrase that, "this is a good problem to have"? Well. We have a good problem. Hopefully, when we review this months theme, cooperation, we can get moving on a solution.
We will see you October 10th. Until then, have fun!