March & April 2016
Post date: Mar 02, 2016 1:22:46 AM
Look for our group in the Robbinsville Saint Patrick's Day Parade on March 19th.
We are excited to announce that our 2016 camp-in will be held at the Liberty Science Center. This awesome opportunity to sleep over at the Science Center. There will be organized activities, e.g. IMAX Dome Theater show, 3D movie, and access is granted to the exhibits until 11PM. Snack and breakfast are also provided and you are invited to stay as long as you want on the Sunday. Youth attendees will receive a patch.
To raise awareness of our environment around Earth Day, Pack 79 will help clean up the grounds of the RHS and PRMS by collecting trash discarded in the area. Once the work has been done, we will reward ourselves with a fun game of kickball. Gloves are recommended for the clean up. Trash bags will be provided. Bring water and sunscreen if the weather is warm.
Save the date for the Spring Cubarama. Word on the grapevine is that it has a Star Wars theme. More information and sign up flyer to come.