Fall 2018
Post date: Oct 05, 2018 7:10:23 PM
The fall campout had 128 people attend in September!! This year we went back to Pine Tree campsite. Families enjoyed an amazing dinner made by the Bears, s'mores prepared by Webelos, and breakfast cooked by Arrow of Lights. Scouts worked on achievements like fire building, hiking, animal appreciation...something for everyone!
double fires we had going during camping https://www.facebook.com/RobbinsvillePack79/videos/921397724722684/
The pack will be apple picking as a group at the end of the month.
Welcome ladies! We welcome Anmol & Lana as our pioneer females who were the first to join pack 79 starting a 2nd grade/Wolf den and 5th grade/Arrow of Light den. Our scouting families can tell you female siblings have always been included in our pack. Now the girls who want to officially join can do so. All dens are same-gender so females are in their own den. BSA requires they are led by a female den leader.
October brings our first pack meeting with ALL the scouts. We meet at Pond Road Middle School on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 6:45pm
4th and 5th graders will have an opportunity to camp with Boy Scout Troops in the area this fall. We have already been invited by several local troops. Camping is a great way to meet the troops and see which one is a good fit for your son (5th graders transition to Boy Scouts in March 2019).
November pack meeting will be a STEM theme. Pinewood derby cars will be given out then so scouts can get working on those cars.
December is a time for family and celebrating. We host an indoor campfire with sing alongs, music, & skits. We also crown the scout who sold the most popcorn as the POPCORN KING. This scout will get to throw a pie in the face of Cubmaster Steve. The kids go CRAZY for this tradition, who will be the crowned the 4th annual king?