Body, Wheels, Axels
Body, Wheels, Axels
Cars must be constructed from official BSA Pinecar kits (BSA item #Q17006). Under no circumstances will substitutes be allowed. The rules that are supplied with the kits must be followed.
You MUST use the block of wood provided. Purchasing pre-made bodies is NOT ALLOWED.
Wheels and axles must be from the official BSA Pinecar kits. The only exception will be wheels and axles from official BSA replacement parts kits (BSA item175WHEELS).
Wheels cannot be altered in any manner, except light sanding to remove molding marks. Wheels cannot be rounded. Pointed, or otherwise changed in shape. The beaded marks on the outside of the wheels must still be present.
Wheel bearings, washers, bushings, and hub caps are prohibited.
The car shall not ride on any type of springs.
The car must be free-wheeling, with no starting device or other type of propulsion. No part of the car can be movable, except for the wheels. No loose, liquid, or movable weights can be used on or within the car.
Cars will not weigh more than five (5) ounces.
Car height cannot exceed five (5) inches.
The wheelbase of the car must not be altered in any manner. Axles must be placed in the pre-cut slots provided on the cars and not covered/must be visible to race officials
Cars must have a minimum bottom clearance of 3/8 inches and bottom must be completely flat.
The overall length of the car cannot exceed 7 inches.
Car axles cannot be covered. Race officials must be able to see the nail heads. Axles may be sanded and polished.
Weights may be added to top or bottom but car must maintain a 3/8 inch bottom clearance and 5 inches clearance on top and not exceed 5 ounces in weight.
The only lubricant allowed is gray graphite.